我蒙救赎 / I Am Redeemed 词/曲Written / 张家绮、金品齐、李汇晴、褚治轩 编曲Arrangement / 赵治德Samuel Chao Keyboard & Synths / 赵治德Samuel Chao Bass / 简伟伦 Weilun Chien Drum / 洪德耀 Derek Hung 二胡Erhu /李睿涵 Abby Li 和声编写 / 陈州邦 Ben Chen 和声 / 张家绮 Angela Chang、杨蒨时 Hope Yang 抬头仰望主救恩 Looking up to Savior Lord 叫我们得著生命 His mercy gives us lives 将得胜赐给我们 Providing us the victory 带我进入你的应许 Taking us to Your promise land 你的意念高过诸天 超越空间 Your thoughts are higher than all, far beyond space 你的道路高过我的道路 Your ways are higher than all my ways 你的恩典让我软弱 显得完全 Your grace has made me perfect in my weakness 你的能力无限 永远掌权 Your endless power forever reigns 主耶稣我蒙救赎 Lord Jesus Christ, I am redeemed 你的喜乐是我力量 You are my joy. You are my strength 奇妙主我蒙祝福 Amazing Lord, You bless my way 放下一切紧紧跟随 I’ll follow You until the end 你的气息你的话语是我生命 Your breath I take, Your words I hear, that is my life 你的信实你的慈爱使我站立 Your faithfulness, Your mercy love make me stand tall 人心筹算自己道路唯你指引 Though my heart devised my way, You lead my steps 追求生命就得生命是因为你 Looking for life and got the life, it’s all because you