
若我心无法承受 听不到你的声音 我仍要抓住真理 虽看不见你 若人生风浪侵袭 前方路看似封闭 我仍举双手相信 你在这里 你所做一切刻画在我心 因你独生子使我得生命 爱降下 拯救我心 爱降下 释放我灵 我属于你 永远我属于你 跨越高山或低谷 无一事物能拦阻 我属你 永远我属于你 当盼望充满我心 当应许为我效力 感受你恩典的手在我生命 我迫切寻求你面 谦卑屈膝你脚前 我高举双手赞美 你的一切 我属你 我属你 我一生 耶稣我属你 Verse 1: If my heart is overwhelmed And I cannot hear Your voice I’ll hold on to what is true though I cannot see If the storms of life they come And the road ahead gets steep I will lift these hands in faith I will believe Pre-chorus: I remind myself of all that You’ve done And the life I have because of Your Son Chorus: Love came down and rescued me Love came down and set me free I am Yours I am forever Yours Mountain high or valley low I sing out remind my soul That I am Yours I am forever Yours Verse 2: When my heart is filled with hope and every promise comes my way When I feel Your hands of grace rest upon me Staying desperate for You God Staying humbled at Your feet I will lift these hands and praise I will believe Bridge: I am Yours I am Yours All my days I am Yours