
盼望中合一同行 / Walking in Unity and Hope 词曲 Lyricist & Composer / 赵治达 David Chao、高承恩 Kevin Gao、玺恩 SiEnVanessa、周巽光 Ewen Chow 中译英 Translator / 王建玫 Ada Wang 主领 Worship Leader / 周巽光 Ewen Chow、玺恩 SiEnVanessa、曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao、陈州邦 Ben Chen 、李晓茹 Jamie Lee、陈雅玲 Sunay Chen 、谢思颖 Panay Isak、何彦臻 Franny Ho、曾晨恩 Yusifu Pulu、张育恩 Daniel Chang、高承恩 Kevin Gao、马胜恩 Asiwa Mavaliw、郑牧德 Darren Cheng Rap / 张念平Amos Chang、赵治达David Chao 我渴慕 真理圣灵 I thirst for the Spirit, truth to reveal 你话语将我心炼淨 Your words refine, my heart to heal 曾看到你家荒凉光景 Once I beheld Your house, in despair 心中充满怀疑 Doubt filled within 却听见你声音 Yet Your voice was there 十架上 为我捨命 On the cross, for me, You gave Your all 为了爱破碎你自己 Love shattered You, to answer the call 医治你教会皱纹残疾 Healing the church, its flaws, its pain 全然圣洁归你 Completely pure 测不透的奥秘 Your mystery reigns 基督裡合一 我们向前进 In Christ, as one, we forge ahead 在你荣耀中兴起 In Your glory, rising from dread 同为后嗣 是一个身体 As heirs, one body, we stand tall 众儿子显明 Sons revealed, answering Your call 在天或在地 都从你得名 In heaven or on earth, named after You 各方各族 归于你 All nations and peoples belong to You 世世代代都同心站立 Through generations, united, we stand 在爱中同行 Walking in love, hand in hand 不单顾自己 不求己利益 为彼此站立 Not just for ourselves, but for each other 肩并肩 直到你得荣耀 Shoulder to shoulder until Your glory we discover 在教会裡盼望中前进 In the church, with hope, we advance Rap 他已经决定在创世以前 Before creation, He had it all planned 客旅外人各方各族在你面前 Strangers and travellers, from every land 因著基督同心聚集 With Christ as our focus, hearts unified tight 你的荣美是无皱纹疾病 In His flawless glory, we shine so bright 使徒先知稳固的根基 Apostles and prophets, our foundation’s strong 他使众子显明 He reveals us as sons, we all belong 与主对齐 Aligned with the Lord 同为后嗣和肢体 as one we stand tall 同享福气、权柄和盼望 Sharing in blessings, answering the call 你爱的方向 His love’s like the dawn 就像盼望的曙光 Breaking through the night 你爱的运行 A storyline written 为合一写下的剧情 Each line just right. 盼望著看见了合一的前进著 We hope for the day when unity’s clear 天国钥匙传承在世代裡 Passing keys through each generations’ cheer 直到赢得这场永恒战役 In eternal battle, we fight till dawn nears