
祝福之地 / The Land of Blessing 词曲 Lyricist & Composer:曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao、陈州邦 Ben Chen、芙赛以撒 Fusay Isak、许书珩 Peter Duck 中译英 Translator:王建玫 Ada Wang 主领 Worship Leader:曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao 神的美福 从耶路撒冷赐给我们 God’s blessings flow from Jerusalem 他的儿女必要 承受这地土 His children here will inherit the land 敬畏他的 都倚靠他的慈爱 All who fear Him lean on His mercy so grand 他赐福给我们 彰显他的大能 He blesses us, showing His mighty hand 祝福之地 是我们的家 The land of blessing is our home so dear 耶和华赐福 他同在的恩典 The Lord’s grace and presence always near 平安喜乐 是他的应许 Peace and joy, His promises we hold 信实的主 永远与我同行 Faithful Lord, with us forever more 祝福之地 是他的赐予 The land of blessing is His gift so sweet 在遮盖之下 使我得享安息 Under His cover, rest we find complete 流奶与蜜 是他的应许 Milk and honey, His promise so true 安然居住 全然的信靠你 Dwell in peace, in trust we cling to You 他所赐的平安 世界给不出来 The peace He gives, the world cannot supply 因他与我同在 For He is with me, always by my side 他是我们的主 力量和盼望 Our Lord, our strength, our hope everyday 一切在他手中 你爱眷顾这土地 In His hands, He loves and guides this land 神的美福 他赐给我们 God’s blessings flow, He gives to us today