
【安息之所 Resting Place】 D G D 天是我座位 地是我脚凳 Heaven is My throne and earth is My footstool D G A 你们要为我造何等的殿宇 Where is the house you will build for Me? D G D 有何人愿意 听我的心声 Whom of you will hear the cry of my heart? D G A 哪裡是我安息的地方 Where will My resting place be? Bm G D A/C# 主我在此 为你预备可安居处 Here, O Lord, have I prepared for You a home Bm G D A/C# 我早已渴望你来居住 Long have I desired for You to dwell Bm G D A/C# 主我在此 为你预备可歇息处 Here, O Lord, have I prepared a resting place Em G A D (Bm) 主我在此 单单等候你 Here, O Lord, I wait for You alone