
Worthy / 配得 词/曲:Elevation Worship Verse 1 你背起我十架 It was my cross You bore 为我牺牲 因你宝血我得自由 So I could live in the freedom You died for 你赎回我生命 And now my life is Yours 我要歌唱你的良善 直到永远 And I will sing of Your goodness forevermore Chorus 你名是配得 YS Worthy is Your name, Jesus 唯有你配得 我献上赞美 You deserve the praise, worthy is Your name 你名是配得 YS Worthy is Your name, Jesus 你配得赞美 你配得尊崇 You deserve the praise, worthy is Your name Verse 2 如今我不羞愧 And now my shame is gone 我惊叹于 超乎我所想的爱 I stand amazed, in Your love undeniable 你恩典不止息 Your grace goes on and on 我要歌唱你的良善 直到永远 And I will sing of Your goodness, forevermore Bridge 如今在诸天 你被高举 Be exalted now in the heavens 你荣耀充满这地 As Your glory fills this place 你配得所有赞美 You alone deserve our praise 你超乎万名之名 You're the name above all names