
《Worthy》歌词 Written by Steven Furtick Chris Brown, Mack Brock 袮背负我的罪 It was my cross You bore 因你舍命 使我活在你自由里 So lcould live in the freedom You died for 我的一生属你 And now my life is Yours 我要歌唱你的良善直到永久 And I will sing of Your goodness forevermore 袮名本配得 YS Worthy is Your name, Jesus 配受大赞美 You deserve the praise 配得归你名 Worthy is Your name 今我羞耻不再 And now my shame is gone 惊奇站立在你最真实的爱中 I stand amazed in Your love undeniable 恩典持续赐下 Your grace goes on and on 我要歌唱你的良善直到永久 And I will sing of Your goodness forevermore 当荣耀降临在这土地 Be exalted now in the heavens 在天上崇高你名 As Your glory fills this place 所有赞美配于你 You alone deserve our praise 你的名超乎万名 You're the name above all names