
在这吹角招聚的日子 On the trumpet sound we all gather 神的七灵奉差遣出去 The Seven Spirits of God are sent out 引领他子民奔往圣山 To lead His people to holy hill 进入万民祷告的圣殿 To the house of prayer for nations 这是回转复新的日子 Now’s the time to return, be restored 领袖祭司当团结兴起 Priests and leaders shall rise up as one 束上腰带站在望楼 Gird up your waist, stand on watch tower 昼夜呼吁不歇息 Cry out to Him day and night 神的祭司啊当警醒祷告 God’s priests must watch and pray 免了入了迷惑 Lest fall into temptation 神的祭司啊当警醒祷告 God’s priests must watch and pray 现在就是时候 Right now is the time 警醒守望代祷者 代祷者 Watch and pray intercessors! intercessors! 站在望楼上 Standing on the wall 在这黑暗遮盖的时刻 As deep darkness covers the earth 神哪我们同心仰望 We call on You in unity 求使你应许显为大 May Your promises be magnified 浇灌施恩恳求的灵 Pour out the Spirit of grace and prayer 灵火点燃你话语大能 Empower Your Word with the fire from above 锻鍊洁淨众人心 Refine our hearts, cleanse our souls 哦这祷告的炉火啊 Oh fire of prayer on the altar 燃起 燃起 燃起 再燃起 Flare up, flare up, flare up, burn anew 洁淨 洁淨 洁淨 再洁淨 Refine us, cleanse us, refine us, cleanse us all 焚烧的灵 公义的灵 Spirit of burning, Spirit of justice 洁淨 洁淨 cleanse us, cleanse us 洁淨神的百姓 cleanse the people of God 唯有手洁心清的祭司 Only the priests who have clean hands and pure hearts 才能奔入你的圣山裡 Can ascend the Mountain of the Lord 转向你 来见你的面 转向你 Turn to You 与你的心意对齐 Come and align with Your heart 来与你的心意对齐 Come and align with Your heart 转向你 来朝见你的面 圣哉 圣哉 圣哉是你主 Holy Holy Holy are You Lord 主 我们同心仰望你 Lord We look to you in unity