
看看他做了什么 See what the Lord has done 我们等侯的事情已经发生 What we've waited for has come to pass 你能看到他所做的事吗? Can you see what the Lord has done? 结婚那天,你会唱这首歌 On your wedding day, you're gonna sing that 你能看到他所做的事吗? Can you see what the Lord has done? 当你走进那处房产时 When you walk into that property 你能看到他所做的吗? Can you see what the Lord has done? 当医治发生时 When that healing happens 我们所祈求的,他已经实现了 What we've been praying for, He has brought to pass 看看他做了什么 See what the Lord has done 你会说 And you'll say “我的眼睛看到了,我的耳朵听到了 "My eyes have seen, my ears have heard 我已看见他所做的事 I have seen what the Lord has done 我一直在等候的小孩(怀孕) The baby I've been waiting for 他已经实现了,嘿! He has brought it to pass, hey! 看看我的以撒,看看我的撒母耳,“嘿! See my Isaac, see my Samuel, " hey! 这是一件奇妙的事,这是一件荣耀的事 It's a marvelous thing, it's a glorious thing